Alone in the world

I took this pictures two minutes ago. We are in one of the most beautiful places I have ever been.

We arrived to the coast of Norway. Instead of taking the touristic highway we went through the road that crosses norway up but close to the mountains. Then this afternoon I found a 60km road with no exit that goes to a settlement with no ferry.

It goes along a fiord, then parallel to an amazing river system full of waterfalls, then arrives to a incredibly beautiful rock landscape that looks like smogen multiplied by one million, then to a incredibly complex system of mountain lakes and snow. Then it goes down to a fiord full of waterfalls and dense forest and finally to a small harbour with tiny fishing boats.

We are sleeping near the snow.

#nomads #homeiswhereyouparkit @thatmargoutdarko


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Zor Neurobashing

216 Posts

I am a digital nomad, (adult) video director & producer and shibari educator traveling around the world, trying to find interesting people and projects
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