Gorges du Verdon.

If you are travelig through france you should not miss the Gorges du Verdon. Considered the second biggest canyon in earth after Grand Canyon, it is extremely beautiful. (I have to say that i have been at the Grand Canyon and it is something from other world, really impressive).

We were in high season and with not a lot of time, so we were unable to do kayaking and rafting there. But we want to go there for sure, to do rafting and hydrospeed. So if someone wants to join, write us 🙂

The road around the canyon is incredible. We did the west side, that was full of viewpoints. Unfortunately, the size is so huge that no picture is able to show how amazing is it. You have to see it for real.

For stealth camping there are a lot of opportunities before and after the canyon. At the south you have huge lavender fields, and the tractors pass often, carrying guge loads of lavender and leaving a super nice smell around. I am super sensitive to smells but this was one of the very very very few intense but nice smells that i ever felt. To the north you enter the alps abd the possibilities are endless.

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Zor Neurobashing

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I am a digital nomad, (adult) video director & producer and shibari educator traveling around the world, trying to find interesting people and projects
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