Quick update from the Pyrinees

Quick update. We are in the top of a mountain, not very sure if in Spain or France. Probably France because there are signs of “danger, sheep”. Last days were really busy. We got new phones with extra large batteries. And good cameras, so the pictures from this post are made with my new phone.

We spend some days with our friends Juan and Patri at their beautiful Shibari studio, and slept in the can there, surrounded by wild boars and eating apricots, oranges and prunes from their trees.

Today we left Vitoria, where we visited also some friends, the incredibly kind and always positive SirOscuro and our food friend Hermes. Unfortunately I was too adventurous with the route planning and we ended at a very dirt track. And at some point we found a couple with their car completely deep in mud. So we took the emergency tools from the can and spent a couple of hours until the car was back to the track. We had to use the shovel, the axe, some logs, the ropes and it was complicated. And then we took together another one until we arrived to a lake and we went to swim a bit and remove all the dirt from ourselves. They were very nice.

I will upload tomorrow (or maybe later) the next Shibari session. I don’t know how much signal we will have in the next days. We are crossing the Pyrinees from the west (navarra) to Andorra, using tiny roads 🙂

I am very happy.

Written by

Zor Neurobashing

216 Posts

I am a digital nomad, (adult) video director & producer and shibari educator traveling around the world, trying to find interesting people and projects
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