The gorges of whoknows.

Ok, i have no fucking idea where this amazing place is. I had fever, a horrible virus (not sars-covid19) and i was destroyed and with some heavy and expensive medication, but i was able to do a beautiful hike. Margot was taking care of me ad was the first day with some strenght after some bad days.

Being nomad and getting sick is one of the most complicated things. Get a proper insurance if you travel 🙂

So this was a beautiful gorge with some old hydroelectric stations and lots of vetegation and moss. If someone is really interested to know wheree it is i can search in my google maps history 🙂

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Zor Neurobashing

216 Posts

I am a digital nomad, (adult) video director & producer and shibari educator traveling around the world, trying to find interesting people and projects
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