Update on the Duststorm + Fires
Update on the Duststorm + Fires
Update on the Duststorm + Fires
Update on the Duststorm + Fires

Update on the Duststorm + Fires

The storm destroyed a lot of trees, and some of them fell over high tension lines, starting fires. With the dry enviroment and the dust and the wind, the fires are spreading really fast. One of them started 1 km away from our place. The mix of smoke and dust made very difficult to breath. Wind stopped a bit and we were able to go outside. Most of the trees are broken. The exit from the house is blocked by a huge branch. You can not see the swimming pool, it is covered by palm trees.

Update: The fire is spreading in our direction. Just in case we are packing everything. It was difficult but I cleared the exit for the car. Now with Margot, mounting the driver seat of the campervan. Everything was removed because we were installing a second battery.

Update: Authorities said to be ready for evacuation and to water the trees so they are wet. We started the sprinklers in the gardeen and set up an improvised one with jute rope in the entrance. Apparently both roads exiting Puerto de la Cruz are closed. The one to Icod because a fire in a banana plantation and the other one in Santa Ursula because a big fire. And another fire in La Orotava and el Teide access is also closed because 120kmh winds with peaks at 160kmh. Everything is packed and the car is ready, just in case.

Update: The smoke smell is less intense but everything is yellow and it is hard to breath. PM10 particles over 50ug/m3 are dangerous. The sensors on the island are reaching 999, that is probably the limit. The Atmosferic lab in Izaña is measuring 3000. Everything is completely yellow and visibility is under 200 meters. Everything tastes like dust.

Update: Because of the sprinklers cleaning a bit the air, a lot of birds are coming to the garden to take cover. There was even a crane! It seems that the fire that was going to our house is controlled now. All surfaces are covered with dust and this looks like Mad Max in Canary Islands. Wind stopped , that is good, so the fires dont spread. Sirens everywhere all the time. The fire in La Orotava is also under control but now it’s raining locusts in the south of the island. And there was an earthquake in El Hierro. If i were Catholic i will be really scared.

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Zor Neurobashing

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I am a digital nomad, (adult) video director & producer and shibari educator traveling around the world, trying to find interesting people and projects
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