Why is canary islands almost completely covid-19 free?

Why is canary islands almost completely covid-19 free?

So we are having lunch at a super nice restaurant in the mountains, one of my favourite places in Tenerife. It is a remote place, middle of nowhere. We enter and there is compulsory hydroalcoholic gel for all customers. Everybody is wearing a mask. We go inside and they removed most of the tables. Everything is rearranged with a LOT of space between tables. Everything is cleaned when we arrive to our table. The menu is a qr code. The waiter arrives., She is more than one meter away from us, wearing a surgical mask and a plastic protection device around the head, the same one the doctors use. They distribute the few customers in a way that they maximize the distance between them. Everybody (the customers) is wearing a mask until they arrive to the tables.

And this is a tiny restaurant in the mountains, completely isolated. People in the islands have a big sense of community. They are kind to each other. People coming into the restaurant say to you “have a good lunch” even if they don’t know you. They are nice and careful.

Everybody is taking into account technical details to explain the infection rates and spread of the covid.

I really think the most important factor is cultural.

I still do my own graphs, statistical analysis and regressions with the available data. I think the first week of June, all islands will be completely or almost completely covid-19 free.

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Zor Neurobashing

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I am a digital nomad, (adult) video director & producer and shibari educator traveling around the world, trying to find interesting people and projects
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