Campervan transformation will be finished today :)

Campervan transformation will be finished today 🙂 🙂 After a couple of months working a lot we will have a completely off-the grid stealth 4wd camper.

And because apparently it is impossible to get hammerhead screws the size i need in Tenerife, i now have to size down by 3mm a inox head. So I will spend some hours at the workshop and i will probably hate steel a lot.

The shower is working really well and we have now an extra water tank. The new box system for storage is super minimalistic and very efficient. And even i still have to fix the solar panels, i connected them yesterday to the new electrical system and did some tests and we are getting around 1Kw/h per day. That is a lot and enough to keep the new 172ah battery fully charged.

Using Rhinoceros 3d for the prototyping was really cool. I was able to measure and design some pieces. It is really a nice feeling when you finish drilling and attaching everything based on a 3d model, you go to the van and screws fits into the holes with absolute milimeter precision 🙂

As soon as the borders are open, we will jump into the first ferry and explore the world like we never did! 🙂 🙂

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Zor Neurobashing

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I am a digital nomad, (adult) video director & producer and shibari educator traveling around the world, trying to find interesting people and projects
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